Finding My Inner Power

I’ve probably written and deleted this post at least five times or more. There was a small part of me that thought that if I started writing this blog, perhaps the love of my life would appear. That hasn’t happened yet, but I feel closer than ever. (Hello, Sir, if you are reading this). HA! Imagine?


More importantly, in trying to describe how I found my inner power, I realized that I felt like a phony for claiming that I have it all figured out. The truth is, I don’t, and today I am declaring that it’s okay that I don’t. Being imperfect doesn’t mean you can’t start something. It just means it may come out more raw, and authentic.


In training to be a Reiki Master the most crucial thing I was taught was that the word ‘Master’ refers to mastery over the self. It signifies the ability to control one’s emotions, judgments, anything human really. To set it all aside in the service of others. This is why I had a hard time writing this one. How could I, (hot mess supreme at the moment), claim to have it all figured out? Let’s be real, I certainly don’t have that mastered at all times. I’m learning as I go and I’m giving myself permission to not have it all figured out. The most significant lesson I have learned is that by opening myself up to heal others, I am also learning how to heal myself. I promise, you will never gain a better understanding of yourself as you will through connection and taking an active role as the listener. Mastery allows you to listen without your own filter.


Honestly, my real awakening began when I stepped into my role as a healer. Allowing myself to be a channel for the energy, feelings, and experiences of other people, has allowed me to in turn experience life from another vantage point. To learn how to connect with souls and meet them wherever they are at in their healing journey has been one of the greatest gifts of my life. This is where the magic happens. I find that when I am in service, I am able to cast aside all judgment, preconceived ideas, prejudices, and even my own fears. This is where I have found true mastery. It’s in doing this for myself that I am met with resistance. Shocker, right?


I know what you’re thinking. Cool, easy for you to say. Guess what? You don’t have to be a Reiki Master to find your own inner power. Today, I want to share with you the one basic tool that anyone can use to harness their own; the Reiki Principles. These principles will help you to be more present, and provide you with a blank slate. What could you accomplish if it was just for today? Which internal struggles and battles could you conquer? If we break things down into smaller pieces we can overcome huge obstacles. What would the world look like with less worry and anger, and more gratitude, integrity, and kindness? What would you look like?


Reiki Principles:

Just for Today…

I will not worry.

I will not be angry.

I will give thanks for my many blessings.

I will do my work honestly.

I will be kind to my neighbour and all living things.


Finding My Blueprint